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vrijdag 30 september 2011

Powershell stappen om EAP voor alle gebruikers aan te zetten

De volgende stappen uitgevoerd om EAP voor alle gebruikers aan te zetten.

Stap 1:
Als eerste de setting in powershell getest op één gebruiker (testcitrix).
Daarvoor had ik eerst de identity van de mailbox nodig:

[PS] C:\psscripts>Get-MailboxStatistics -identity testcitrix | FT Identity


Stap 2:
Vervolgens identity gebruikt om de huidige setting te bekijken:

[PS] C:\psscripts>Get-Mailbox 66baa611-e107-4679-b3bd-ab2e3259cd9e | FT EmailAddressPolicyEnabled -auto


Stap 3:
Identity gebruikt om de EAP op false te zetten en daarna bovenstaand commando gebruikt om te kijken of deze was uitgevoerd:

[PS] C:\psscripts>Set-Mailbox 66baa611-e107-4679-b3bd-ab2e3259cd9e -EmailAddressPolicyEnabled:$False
[PS] C:\psscripts>Get-Mailbox 66baa611-e107-4679-b3bd-ab2e3259cd9e | FT EmailAddressPolicyEnabled -auto


Stap 4:
Om de velden van de tabel Mailbox te bekijken om te kijken welke ik kon gebruiken om het een en ander te controleren heb ik het volgende commando uitgevoerd:
(om het in een tekst bestand te kunnen bekijken kun je de output met pipe (|) en Out-File naar een bestand sturen)

[PS] C:\psscripts>Get-Mailbox 66baa611-e107-4679-b3bd-ab2e3259cd9e | format-list

RunspaceId                             : 797848ce-d2f3-4786-8e53-a34e62af3087
Database                               : Salfischbergerit Mailbox DB1
UseDatabaseRetentionDefaults           : True
RetainDeletedItemsUntilBackup          : False
DeliverToMailboxAndForward             : False
LitigationHoldEnabled                  : False
SingleItemRecoveryEnabled              : False
RetentionHoldEnabled                   : False
EndDateForRetentionHold                :
StartDateForRetentionHold              :
RetentionComment                       :
RetentionUrl                           :
LitigationHoldDate                     :
LitigationHoldOwner                    :
ManagedFolderMailboxPolicy             :
RetentionPolicy                        :
CalendarRepairDisabled                 : False
ExchangeGuid                           : 66baa611-e107-4679-b3bd-ab2e3259cd9e
ExchangeSecurityDescriptor             : System.Security.AccessControl.RawSecurityDescriptor
ExchangeUserAccountControl             : None
MessageTrackingReadStatusEnabled       : True
ExternalOofOptions                     : External
ForwardingAddress                      :
ForwardingSmtpAddress                  :
RetainDeletedItemsFor                  : 31.00:00:00
IsMailboxEnabled                       : True
Languages                              : {nl-NL}
OfflineAddressBook                     :
ProhibitSendQuota                      : unlimited
ProhibitSendReceiveQuota               : unlimited
RecoverableItemsQuota                  : unlimited
RecoverableItemsWarningQuota           : unlimited
DowngradeHighPriorityMessagesEnabled   : False
ProtocolSettings                       : {}
RecipientLimits                        : unlimited
IsResource                             : False
IsLinked                               : False
IsShared                               : False
LinkedMasterAccount                    :
ResourceCapacity                       :
ResourceCustom                         : {}
ResourceType                           :
SamAccountName                         : testcitrix
SCLDeleteThreshold                     :
SCLDeleteEnabled                       :
SCLRejectThreshold                     :
SCLRejectEnabled                       :
SCLQuarantineThreshold                 :
SCLQuarantineEnabled                   :
SCLJunkThreshold                       :
SCLJunkEnabled                         :
AntispamBypassEnabled                  : False
ServerLegacyDN                         : /o=Salfischbergerit Exchange/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Configurat
ServerName                             : mx02
UseDatabaseQuotaDefaults               : True
IssueWarningQuota                      : unlimited
RulesQuota                             : 64 KB (65,536 bytes)
Office                                 :
UserPrincipalName                      : testcitrix@ISALFISCHBERGERIT.Local
UMEnabled                              : False
MaxSafeSenders                         :
MaxBlockedSenders                      :
ReconciliationId                       :
WindowsLiveID                          :
ThrottlingPolicy                       :
RoleAssignmentPolicy                   : Default Role Assignment Policy
SharingPolicy                          : Default Sharing Policy
RemoteAccountPolicy                    :
MailboxPlan                            :
ArchiveDatabase                        :
ArchiveGuid                            : 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
ArchiveName                            : {}
ArchiveQuota                           : unlimited
ArchiveWarningQuota                    : unlimited
ArchiveDomain                          :
ArchiveStatus                          : None
RemoteRecipientType                    : None
DisabledArchiveDatabase                :
DisabledArchiveGuid                    : 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
QueryBaseDNRestrictionEnabled          : False
MailboxMoveTargetMDB                   :
MailboxMoveSourceMDB                   :
MailboxMoveFlags                       : None
MailboxMoveRemoteHostName              :
MailboxMoveBatchName                   :
MailboxMoveStatus                      : None
IsPersonToPersonTextMessagingEnabled   : False
IsMachineToPersonTextMessagingEnabled  : True
UserSMimeCertificate                   : {}
UserCertificate                        : {}
CalendarVersionStoreDisabled           : False
ImmutableId                            :
PersistedCapabilities                  : {}
SKUAssigned                            : False
AuditEnabled                           : False
AuditLogAgeLimit                       : 90.00:00:00
AuditAdmin                             : {Update, Move, MoveToDeletedItems, SoftDelete, HardDelete, FolderBind, SendAs, Send
AuditDelegate                          : {Update, SoftDelete, HardDelete, SendAs, Create}
AuditOwner                             : {}
WhenMailboxCreated                     : 9-2-2011 16:55:18
UsageLocation                          :
Extensions                             : {}
HasPicture                             : False
HasSpokenName                          : False
AcceptMessagesOnlyFrom                 : {}
AcceptMessagesOnlyFromDLMembers        : {}
AcceptMessagesOnlyFromSendersOrMembers : {}
AddressListMembership                  : {\Alle Medewerkers, \Default Global Address List}
Alias                                  : testcitrix
ArbitrationMailbox                     :
BypassModerationFromSendersOrMembers   : {}
OrganizationalUnit                     : isalfischbergerit.local/Salfischbergerit/Hoofdkantoor
CustomAttribute1                       :
CustomAttribute10                      :
CustomAttribute11                      :
CustomAttribute12                      :
CustomAttribute13                      :
CustomAttribute14                      :
CustomAttribute15                      :
CustomAttribute2                       :
CustomAttribute3                       :
CustomAttribute4                       :
CustomAttribute5                       :
CustomAttribute6                       :
CustomAttribute7                       :
CustomAttribute8                       :
CustomAttribute9                       :
DisplayName                            : Test Citrix
EmailAddresses                         : {smtp:testcitrix@service.salfischbergerit.nl, SMTP:T.Citrix@salfischbergerit.nl}
GrantSendOnBehalfTo                    : {ISALFISCHBERGERIT.Local/Salfischbergerit/Hoofdkantoor/_Test Policy OU/Test}
ExternalDirectoryObjectId              :
HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled          : False
LastExchangeChangedTime                :
LegacyExchangeDN                       : /o=Salfischbergerit Exchange/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients
MaxSendSize                            : unlimited
MaxReceiveSize                         : unlimited
ModeratedBy                            : {}
ModerationEnabled                      : False
PoliciesIncluded                       : {8aef93df-6bab-4949-854e-4db85d0c32cb, {26491cfc-9e50-4857-861b-0cb8df22b5d7}}
PoliciesExcluded                       : {}
EmailAddressPolicyEnabled              : True
PrimarySmtpAddress                     : T.Citrix@salfischbergerit.nl
RecipientType                          : UserMailbox
RecipientTypeDetails                   : UserMailbox
RejectMessagesFrom                     : {}
RejectMessagesFromDLMembers            : {}
RejectMessagesFromSendersOrMembers     : {}
RequireSenderAuthenticationEnabled     : False
SimpleDisplayName                      :
SendModerationNotifications            : Always
UMDtmfMap                              : {emailAddress:8248749, lastNameFirstName:2487498378, firstNameLastName:8378248749}
WindowsEmailAddress                    : T.Citrix@salfischbergerit.nl
MailTip                                :
MailTipTranslations                    : {}
PartnerObjectId                        : 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
IsValid                                : True
ExchangeVersion                        : 0.10 (
Name                                   : Test Citrix
DistinguishedName                      : CN=Test Citrix,OU=Hoofdkantoor,OU=Salfischbergerit,DC=ISALFISCHBERGERIT,DC=Local
Identity                               : ISALFISCHBERGERIT.Local/Salfischbergerit/Hoofdkantoor/Test Citrix
Guid                                   : 78067c1f-0fb0-4dff-8f4e-f749528ee715
ObjectCategory                         : ISALFISCHBERGERIT.Local/Configuration/Schema/Person
ObjectClass                            : {top, person, organizationalPerson, user}
WhenChanged                            : 23-8-2011 16:53:05
WhenCreated                            : 23-7-2009 11:45:29
WhenChangedUTC                         : 23-8-2011 14:53:05
WhenCreatedUTC                         : 23-7-2009 9:45:29
OrganizationId                         :
OriginatingServer                      : dc01.ISALFISCHBERGERIT.Local

Stap 5:
De velden DisplayName, EmailAddressPolicyEnabled en PrimarySmtpAddress gebruikt om een controlebestand aan te maken:

[PS] C:\psscripts>Get-Mailbox * | FT DisplayName,EmailAddressPolicyEnabled,PrimarySmtpAddress -auto | Out-File PreEnabledEmailAddressPolicy.txt

Uit bovenstaand bestand blijkt dat er 230 mailboxen de EAP optie uit hebben staan.

Stap 6:
Met onderstaand commando EAP op alle mailboxen enabled:

[PS] C:\psscripts>Get-Mailbox | Set-Mailbox -EmailAddressPolicyEnabled:$True

Stap 7:
Nu weer een controlebestand aangemaakt en deze met het vorige controlebestand vergeleken met WinMerge.
Hieruit blijkt dat alle mailboxen nu EAP enabled hebben en dat er 48 PrimarySmtpAddresses zijn gewijzigd:

[PS] C:\psscripts>Get-Mailbox * | FT DisplayName,EmailAddressPolicyEnabled,PrimarySmtpAddress -auto | Out-File PostEnabledEmailAddressPolicy.txt

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